What Could we expect in Eid Ul Adha 2024?

Alhamdulillah in Islam we have the joy and good reason to celebrate two Eid’s during the Islamic calendar year. Eid al-Fitr is celebrated at the end of the holy month of Ramadan, Eid ul Adha on the other hand is much more significant.

Eid ul-Adha falls on the tenth day of Dhul Hijjah, the final month of the Islamic lunar calendar. This year, Eid ul-Adha is anticipated to fall on June 16th, following the annual Hajj pilgrimage to Makkah.

The kids feel happy to receive Qurbani meat

During Eid ul Adha we remember our prophet Ibrahim’s willingness to sacrifice his son, Ismail (as) Allah demanded - such an act of absolute faith that Allah showed mercy, and substituted a ram for slaughter instead. And we echo Ibrahim’s extraordinary act of faith with Qurbani – our sacrifice of a chosen and blessed animal, over which we say our prayers and make the sacrifice at Eid ul Adha 2024.


The Eid ul Adha Qurbani animal must be a sheep, lamb, cow, bull or camel. The animal must be in good health and over a certain age in order to make the Eid ul Adha Qurbani scarification in a halal way.

The Qurbani is then divided into three equal portions per share; one third is for yourself, another third you share with friends and neighbours and finally the last third is then donated to those who are in need.

Also Read: What is Qurbani?

The act of Qurbani is carried out following the Eid ul Adha 2024 Prayers and those most in need get to celebrate the Eid ul Adha celebrations with us for three days!

Donate your Qurbani with SKT this year and you can share for the love of Allah and by helping those most in need and we can celebrate Eid ul Adha 2024 together.



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