ORPHAN sponsorship


100% ZAKAT . 100% SADAQAH . 100% LILLAH . 100% TRUST

Please protect an ORPHAN in the name of Allah!

for just £240 for a year or £20 a month and help them build a brighter future. 

Save a child today, by donating to our orphan care sponsorship for just £20 a month.

Your donation will be used as a form of collective support for the children. We do not operate an individual sponsorship model and seek to continuously improve the support for the children we protect and care for.

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The Facts :
There are nearly 153 million orphaned children in the world.

Many go hungry, living in dangerous conditions with no one to care for them.

Our ongoing Orphan Care appeal gives you the chance to sponsor an orphan and give them the life they deserve.

Your donation can change an orphan child's life.


There are nearly 153 million orphaned children in the world.

Save a child today, by sponsoring an orphan for just £20 a month.

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SKT Welfare’s Orphan Sponsorship programme is a charity that changes lives. Through our programmes in Turkey and Palestine, we’re making sure that vulnerable orphans are getting the love and care they need for happy childhoods and brighter futures. 

The welfare of these children is always at the core of everything we do through our Orphan Sponsorship, ensuring every child we help grows up happy, healthy, and well cared for. When you vow to care for an orphan with us, your support helps to provide a child with all they need to flourish and grow such as healthcare, a quality education, food, clothing, counselling services, and a warm, loving home.

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Sponsor an Orphan in Palestine or Turkey

Without a mother or father to care for them, these children have become susceptible to abuse, neglect, and many forms of exploitation. Many orphans are unfortunately exposed to extreme violence, as well as psychological and emotional distress after losing one or both of their parents.

As Muslims, it is our responsibility to look after these vulnerable children and provide them with a better quality of life. Our Orphan Sponsorship programme maintains a carefully developed approach to support orphans through every step of their growth and helping them overcome the hardships of their past.

In Turkey, orphans from Shaam live in our Springs of Hope Family Centre in Rehyanli. Many of these children are living with their siblings and their mothers, but have lost their fathers in the conflict. We strive to keep families together to ensure children grow up with love, familiarity and stability. Children with no family live in the Family Centre with everything they need and are supported by our expert, trained and qualified staff.

Orphan Care in Turkey

In Palestine, we provide support to orphan families in the form of monetary assistance and school materials. We ensure families receive the support they need to send their children to school, and to provide good food, clothing and shelter. 

Orphan Care in Gaza

A small generous donation of only £20 a month will help care for an orphan in Turkey or Palestine, giving them everything we would want for our own children. With every donation, you are changing a child’s life for the better, so please sponsor an orphan today and make their childhood a happy one.

Your donation will be used as a form of collective support for the children. We do not operate an individual sponsorship model and seek to continuously improve the support for the children we protect and care for. 

SafeguardingThe Prophet (PBUH) said“Every one of you is a Protector and Guardian for those who are placed under your care.” [Bukhari] The custodianship (Amanah) is further emphasised with the command of not betraying the trust. Allah (SWT) says: “Betray not knowingly your amanah (things entrusted to you).” (Qur’an 8:27)

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Sponsor an orphan today!


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6 months Sponsorship


Your donation will ensure a child has a secure future

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Annual Sponsorship for One Orphan


Your donation will cover costs for one orphan for one year

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Annual Sponsorship for Two Orphans


Your donation will cover costs for two orphans for one year

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Our 100% donation policy means that  every penny you donate is used in the delivery of humanitarian projects and directly related costs. Indirect and administrative costs are covered by either direct donations themselves or by using  Gift Aid.

Monthly Orphan Care


Your donation will ensure a child has a secure future

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Our 100% donation policy means that  every penny you donate is used in the delivery of humanitarian projects and directly related costs. Indirect and administrative costs are covered by either direct donations themselves or by using  Gift Aid.

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Our 100% Donation Policy means that every penny you donate is used in the delivery of humanitarian projects and directly related costs. Indirect and administrative costs are covered by either direct donations themselves or by using Gift Aid.
