Qurbani FAQs Answered

What is Qurbani?

Qurbani is an animal sacrifice which is necessary for every eligible Muslim to offer in the last month of the Islamic (Hijri) calendar, between the 10th - 13th of Dhul Hijjah. It is a tradition performed to remember & commemorate the sacrifice of Prophet Ibrahim عليه السلام.

How did Qurbani begin?

On the eighth night of Zul-Hijjah, Prophet Ibraheem عليه السلام dreamt that a voice said, ‘Indeed Allah has ordered you to sacrifice your son.’ On the ninth night of Zul-Hijjah, he had the same dream. After he had the same dream once again on the tenth night of Zul-Hijjah, he made a firm intention to act upon the dream and to sacrifice his son. (Tafseer Kabeer, vol. 9)

Prophet Ibraheem عليه السلام had also related the whole story to his beloved son Prophet Isma’eel عليه السلام  and asked, ‘Now you tell me what is your opinion about this?’ Upon listening to this blessed dream, Prophet Isma’eel عليه السلام who himself was very submissive to the will of Allah, answered with great submission.

Thereafter, Prophet Ibraheem عليه السلام tied his son, made him lie on his front with his forehead placed towards the ground; having sharpened his knife, Prophet Ibraheem عليه السلام looking away, drew the knife across the neck of Prophet Ismail عليه السلام but the knife did not cut, i.e.his throat was not slit. (Tafseer-e-Khaazin, vol. 4)

After Sayyiduna Ibraheem made Sayyiduna Isma’eel lie on the ground to slaughter him, Sayyiduna Jibraeel brought a ram from Paradise as Fidyah with the commandment of Allah. Since then, the Sunnah of reciting these blessed words by these three most revered and sacred personalities will continue till the Day of Judgement.

The Quran states regarding this event in following words:

فَلَمَّا بَلَغَ مَعَهُ السَّعْیَ قَالَ یٰبُنَیَّ اِنِّیْۤ اَرٰى فِی الْمَنَامِ اَنِّیْۤ اَذْبَحُكَ فَانْظُرْ مَا ذَا تَرٰىؕ-قَالَ یٰۤاَبَتِ افْعَلْ مَا تُؤْمَرُ٘-سَتَجِدُنِیْۤ اِنْ شَآءَ اللّٰهُ مِنَ الصّٰبِرِیْنَ(102) فَلَمَّاۤ اَسْلَمَا وَ تَلَّهٗ لِلْجَبِیْنِ(103) وَ نَادَیْنٰهُ اَنْ یّٰۤاِبْرٰهِیْمُ(104) قَدْ صَدَّقْتَ الرُّءْیَاۚ-اِنَّا كَذٰلِكَ نَجْزِی الْمُحْسِنِیْنَ(105) اِنَّ هٰذَا لَهُوَ الْبَلٰٓؤُا الْمُبِیْنُ(106) وَ فَدَیْنٰهُ بِذِبْحٍ عَظِیْمٍ(107) وَ تَرَكْنَا عَلَیْهِ فِی الْاٰخِرِیْنَ(108) سَلٰمٌ عَلٰۤى اِبْرٰهِیْمَ(109) 

And when he became capable of working with him, (Ibrahim) said, 'O my son! I dreamt that I am sacrificing you, now see what is your opinion?' (The son) said, 'O my father! Do what you are being commanded; Allah willing, it is soon that you will find me patient.' (102) So, when they both submitted to Our command, and the father laid down his son by his forehead; do not ask about that (astonishing) situation. (103) And We called out to him; that 'O Ibrahim.' (104) 'You have indeed made the dream come true.' And this is how We reward the virtuous. (105) Indeed, this was a clear test. (106) And We rescued him (Isma'eel) in exchange for a great sacrifice. (107) And We kept his praise amongst the latter generations. (108) Peace be upon Ibrahim. (109) 

(Surah As-Saffaat,102 -109)

When is Qurbani?

Qurbani falls every year, during the Islamic festival of Eid-ul-Adha in the last month of the Islamic calendar Dhul Hijjah. The time of Qurabni commences on the 10th of Dhul Hijjah (Eid day) after the Eid prayer and lasts till the sunset of the 13th of Dhul Hijjah.

Who Should Perform Qurbani?

The command of Qurbani is found in the Qur’an: 

فَصَلِّ لِرَبِّكَ وَ انْحَر - So, you should offer Salah for your Lord, and sacrifice. (Surah Al-Kawthar, 02)

 Qurbani is Wajib (necessary) upon every adult Muslim male & female that posseses the Nisaab rate (wealth equivalent to 612 grams of silver [aproximatly £350]), or has personal possessions that are extra from necessities (e.g. decorations, entertainment objects etc.) to which the value is equivalent to the Nisaab rate.

Qurbani does not have to be done by the individual themselves; a representative can be placed to perform Qurbani on their behalf.

Do we obtain and sacrifice an animal ourselves?

No-one expects you to find and sacrifice an animal in your own back yard, garden, or apartment. Rather we ask you to donate a certain sum of money, which buys a carefully selected and healthy sacrificial animal in a designated and approved place, where its Qurbani sacrifice can be undertaken in your name, with your prayers.

Is the chosen animal of good quality?

We follow Sharia Law to guide our choice of the very best animal in each region – that each animal is healthy, older than one year in age, is not stunned before sacrifice, and completely safe for human consumption.

When should we give money for Qurbani?

As early as possible, before Qurbani, so that animals can be selected for sacrifice in good time.

When is Qurbani Performed?

Qurbani is performed following Eid ul Adha prayers, but can be performed at any time in the following two to three days.

How do I know when my Qurbani is undertaken if it occurs abroad?

We ensure that all Qurbani sacrifice is performed after UK's Eid prayer time. We will release pictures and feedback on a range of marketing platforms such as email and social media once they are received. 

An animal is sacrificed for Qurbani. What then?

We share the benefits of your Qurbani sacrifice - the nutritious meat of the sacrificed animal shared among the poor and hungry, in Britain, and abroad. Smaller animals, a sheep, of goat, is regarded as comprising one share, a larger animal, such as a cow, or camel regarded as seven shares – each share then further divided into thirds – and each portion then distributed to those in need.   This is your Qurbani gift, and is rewarded by Allah (swt).

How big are shared Qurbani portions?

We distribute approximately 1.5 kgs to each family – enough generally to be part of the meals for up to a week. SKT Welfare works to make Qurbani special for every family it helps, and to make Eid ul Adha a time to celebrate.

What happens to the unused parts of the sacrificed animal?

Animal waste is disposed of locally in a safe and environment-friendly manner. Animal skins are donated to a mosque or educational institution, with permission to sell on, and any money received used to pursue the quality education of local vulnerable children. Thus no potential benefit of your Qurbani gift is wasted.

How is Qurbani Celebrated?

Traditionally, Qurbani is celebrated among family, friends, and loved ones. And we dress for the occasion; we wear our best clothes, and exchange gifts.

How can I perform a Qurbani with SKT Welfare?

You can perform Qurbani with us and donate by sending a cheque, cash, online www.sktwelfare.org or by calling us on: +44 (0) 300 3020 786

Can I choose the Qurbani meat to sacrifice?

This depends on the location and type of animal available in addition to local customs which affects which animal is sacrificed and given to the beneficiary i.e either goat, sheep or cow, etc.

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