SKT Welfare is a UK-registered charity, founded in 2008, dedicated to the delivery of humanitarian aid and solutions regardless of race, political affiliation, gender or belief. SKT Welfare’s aim is to help relieve the suffering of the world’s poorest communities through Spreading Kindness Together.

Since its inception, the charity has accomplished several projects in the UK and abroad. Currently, SKT Welfare has offices in the UK, Turkey, Shaam, Palestine, Somalia and Tanzania. We also operate in Yemen, Bangladesh, and Kashmir where we have partners.

SKT Welfare works under the principle that no one should be left behind, and that’s exactly what we do with our transformative programmes. Our work is not typically outsourced to other agencies, helping us keep overheads lower and preventing possible conflicts of interest. Our work is carried out by expert teams on the ground, committed volunteers and overseen by trustees. SKT Welfare takes complete ownership for delivering projects itself, end-to-end and operates a 100% donation policy.

We raise funds for our lifesaving and life-changing projects, from responding to emergencies to livelihood projects, providing nutritious food, delivering clean and safe drinking water, or giving vulnerable children access to quality education and caring for orphans.

SKT Welfare has built and supported the Springs of Hope family centre in Reyhanli, Turkey focusing on providing education for orphan children to give them an opportunity for a brighter future. SKT Welfare has a bread factory and the Al-Huda Hospital within Shaam as well as building homes for internally displaced refugees. In Pakistan, we install freshwater pumps throughout Pakistan’s most impoverished communities to put an end to the water crisis as well as providing life-changing medical care through our eye care health programme.

Purpose of Volunteer Policies

These policies are written to provide overall guidance and direction to staff and volunteers engaged in volunteer involvement and management efforts. These policies do not constitute, either implicitly or explicitly, a binding contractual or personnel agreement. SKT Welfare reserves the exclusive right to change any of these policies at any time and to expect adherence to the changed policy. Changes to or exceptions from these policies may only be granted by UK Fundraising and must be obtained in advance and in writing. Areas not specifically covered by these policies shall be determined by the Fundraising Team.

Download the full 'Volunteers Code of Conduct below:


Volunteers Code of Conduct 2024-2025 inc NDA & GDPR

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Our 100% Donation Policy means that every penny you donate is used in the delivery of humanitarian projects and directly related costs. Indirect and administrative costs are covered by either direct donations themselves or by using Gift Aid.
