The Syria conflict has now entered its eighth year and is considered the worst humanitarian crisis in the world, with over 13 million people in need of humanitarian support.

Millions of people are without access to safe, clean water and Syria’s medical infrastructure is on the brink of collapse, with more than half of hospitals and healthcare facilities damaged or destroyed.

Our volunteers are busy on the ground, providing food parcels and safe water, while our bakery and hospital provide tens of thousands of Syrians with food and vital healthcare.

Al Huda Hospital

Located in Northern Syria, near Aleppo, Al Huda Hospital was built and funded by SKT Welfare. Headed by a dedicated team of surgeons, it comprises an Emergency Room, ICU unit, fully equipped operating theatre, X-Ray and ultrasound room, sterilisation room, pharmacy, laboratory and wash room, as well as a clinic for minor injuries.

Currently serving 13 towns and 110 villages and targeting those who are traumatised and require orthopaedics or neurosurgery.

Al Huda hospital treats 350 patients, daily, 144,000 patients treated in the emergency room approximately, 1,853 patients treated in intensive care, 10,500 patients are treated each month, 23,890 operations have been performed to date.

It is the only medical facility providing healthcare for an estimated population of just under one million people.

Please support our Al Huda Hospital so we can continue treating Syrians in desperate need.

Al Huda Bakery

Our bakery, located in Idlib, is a lifeline for thousands of Syrian people. Every day, our volunteers bake and distribute bread to hundreds of families struggling to survive in seven local refugee camps and we reach around 10,500 people, daily.

One tonne of flour produces 1,000 packs of bread, with each pack providing the average Syrian family with enough bread for one meal.

£3.50 provides 10 packs of bread (7 loaves in each pack). To date, the bakery has benefitted an incredible 7.2 million individuals.

Fresh bread is life-sustaining and vital to Syrian family life and it is one thing that displaced Syrian families can rely on, every day, so please keep on supporting this fantastic project.

Clean Water

Water cuts and poor sanitation in Syria are posing serious health threats and leaving millions without safe water. In response, we are providing safe water to Syrians – from drilling wells and installing hand pumps to delivering clean water directly to homes.

Every day, from dawn until dusk, our dedicated teams drive our water trucks to Syrian families, with each truck containing 30 barrels of water – a typical Syrian family receives five barrels of fresh water with each delivery.

We also survey, commission and install hand pumps and fresh water wells and have delivered 60 hand pumps in Damascus, benefiting 5,000 people daily, with new areas being surveyed for drilling more wells and opening fresh water supplies. We also created a water well at Qah Refugee Camp, serving 2,000 people daily, and three large water wells have been built in Ghouta.

Please support our water projects, so we can continue providing Syrians with safe water.

Aid Containers

Since 2014, SKT Welfare has been at the forefront of aid shipments to Syria from the UK and, most recently, Chicago. We ship our containers once a month, approximately, and they contain essentials, such as food, blankets, shoes, winter clothing, like coats, hats, socks, and gloves, along with non-perishable items, such as baby formula, rice, pasta, canned food and medical equipment.

To date, 252,500 people have been recipients of food aid in these vulnerable areas — with over 1000 food parcels and two tonnes of rice being delivered on a monthly basis.

We take great pride in seeing our aid delivered – from start to finish. By overseeing the entire process we can ensure that aid is delivered directly to the intended recipient. As a valued donor, you deserve transparency and our Emergency Aid Containers give you assurance that 100% of your donations goes to the people and projects we serve.


Since 2012, SKT Welfare has been delivering winter humanitarian aid to refugee camps and Syria throughout Syria.

Winter is the hardest season to bear to displaced families who have already gone through unspeakable trauma and loss. It’s a struggle to survive the bitter weather without adequate clothing or bedding. 7 million children suffer in temperatures of -11°c without proper clothing.

Our winter packs contain blankets, thermals, fleece jackets, gloves, socks and winter hats, helping to make winter more bearable and to reduce the risk of winter related illnesses.

70,000 winter packs are distributed every year.

Please donate to our winterisation appeal each winter to keep a Syrian family warm.

Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) said:

"A Muslim shall never leave another Muslim helpless in the time of need!"

Accepting all Zakat, Sadaqah and Lillah donations.

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Our 100% Donation Policy means that every penny you donate is used in the delivery of humanitarian projects and directly related costs. Indirect and administrative costs are covered by either direct donations themselves or by using Gift Aid.
