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This project is Zakat eligible and also a wonderful opportunity for Sadaqah Jariyah.

Years of war have caused millions to flee their homes in search of safety and left countless people in
urgent need of humanitarian aid in Syria. The Muslim Forum will be building safe and
secure homes for refugee families, improving lives with a clean place to live, helping to fight off
death from diseases, protection from the summer heat and harsh winter.


Over 11 Years of Conflict in Shaam have meant millions have fled their homes, sometimes in the
middle of the night with no possessions and sought shelter in camps. Their homes are made from
sheets of tarpaulin and cotton sheets, and fail to keep out the bitter wind, rain, or snow.

In winter, those living in refugee camps and temporary accommodation fear for their lives. Winter
can be brutal, with temperatures falling well below zero and with snow and icy conditions. Without
secure housing and combined with the additional pressures and concerns, this will be the worst
winter of their lives.

Living in temporary tents and camps mean women and children are even more vulnerable. Without secure walls, doors or roofs, women and children lack the security and privacy to truly live lives with dignity and honour.


Zahra Hussain, Muhammad Asif Ahmed and Rubecca Butt from the Muslim Forum at Barclays are hiking up Box-Hill Surrey to help raise funds to help build secure homes for refugees in northern Syria, close to the Turkish border.

By sponsoring their hike, you can help create safe havens for those who have fled their homes and been displaced due to years of conflict. The homes will keep them warm and help provide the necessary amenities to live a sanitary, safe life.  

For every £3,000 raised, a safe and secure home will be built for a family by the SKT Welfare team working on the ground. Each home will be built in one of the SKT villages and consists of two rooms, a kitchen and a bathroom with water.

We encourage you all to sponsor generously in showing your support for this groups bravery, whilst contributing to this worthy cause.

Every donation made on this page goes directly to SKT Welfare, giving you the option to either make a one off or monthly contribution and to select General, Zakat or Sadaqah as your donation.

Our 100% donation policy means that every penny you donate is used in the delivery of
humanitarian projects and directly related costs. Indirect and administrative costs are covered by
either direct donations themselves or by using Gift Aid.

Fundraiser Updates

January 16, 2023


Change collected from 1CP multi-faith room

January 13, 2023


Jazāk Allāh

January 13, 2023


Thank you for all your hard work and dedication


Fundraiser by The Muslim Forum at Barclays


raised of £3,000.00 target

100% £3,000.00

36 people donated to this cause

has expired 1 year ago

Online Donations
Gift Aid

Listed Donors

June 19, 2023
April 9, 2023
Nahid Ishaq
+£78.25 Gift Aid
March 24, 2023
Kamru Miah
+£12.50 Gift Aid
February 17, 2023
Momodou Ndow
+£2.50 Gift Aid
February 3, 2023
+£1.25 Gift Aid
February 2, 2023
Umair Shams
February 1, 2023
+£62.50 Gift Aid
January 27, 2023
Shehzad Butt
+£2.50 Gift Aid
January 27, 2023
Muhammad Anisur Rahman
+£5.00 Gift Aid
January 27, 2023
+£3.75 Gift Aid
January 25, 2023
Rizwan Goni
January 20, 2023
+£12.50 Gift Aid

All proceeds go towards

Safe Haven Syria

You can build a safe and secure home for a Syrian refugee family today! For only £3,000 a complete home will be built for the family.

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Our 100% Donation Policy means that every penny you donate is used in the delivery of humanitarian projects and directly related costs. Indirect and administrative costs are covered by either direct donations themselves or by using Gift Aid.
