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Ramadhan 2025

Food parcels for Gaza and 

Palestinian / Syrian refugee camps.

Inshallah I plan on travelling with a team of volunteers to load trucks with food aid for Gaza from Jordan and to distribute essential food parcels and aid to Palestinian / Syrian refugees living in the camps. This initiative aims to alleviate some of the hardships faced by our brothers and sisters in these communities during the holy month of Ramadan.

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “Whoever feeds a fasting person will have his sins forgiven, will be saved from hell fire, and will have the same reward as the fasting person without diminishing the reward of the fasting person in the slightest.”

This team will travel to the refugee camps just before Ramadan 2025. Their mission is to ensure that aid reaches the most vulnerable individuals and families, providing them with much-needed relief and support during this spiritually significant time.

A £50 food parcel will include staple foods to help sustain a family of 5 throughout Ramadan. The focus is on providing nutritious options that cater to the cultural and dietary needs of the recipients.

Also Essential hygiene products will be distributed to promote health and well-being in the camps. These kits play a crucial role in maintaining dignity and preventing disease.

Fresh fruit, including dates, will be provided to ensure families have access to vital nutrients. Dates hold cultural and religious significance, especially during Ramadan.

In some cases cash donations will be given to the most needy individuals, allowing them the flexibility to address their unique needs. This empowers recipients to make decisions that best suit their circumstances.

Donations can be made in the form of Zakat, sadaqa, fidya, kaffara, and lilla. Each of these has its significance and enables donors to fulfill their religious obligations while supporting a worthy cause.

- A 100% donation policy ensures that every penny contributed goes directly to the refugees.

- All expenses, including flights, travel, accommodation, and meals for the team, are covered by the team them selves and not from the donations. This ensures that all funds raised are exclusively used for the benefit of the refugees.

This initiative provides an opportunity for donors to make a meaningful difference in the lives of refugees during Ramadan. By contributing, donors can help provide relief to those in dire need, fulfilling both a humanitarian and spiritual duty. Encouraging widespread participation and support will amplify the impact of this project, bringing hope and comfort to countless families during the holy month.

Thank you for your donation may allah swt accept all your givings, dua’s and intentions and grant you and your loved ones the best of dunyia and the akhira. Ameen


Fundraiser by Abbas Merali


raised of £10,000.00 target

0% £10,000.00

0 people donated to this cause

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Food Parcels

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Our 100% Donation Policy means that every penny you donate is used in the delivery of humanitarian projects and directly related costs. Indirect and administrative costs are covered by either direct donations themselves or by using Gift Aid.